Our Classes, Workshops & Treatments

Pregnancy Yoga

Saturdays 9.30am - 10.45am

Suitable from 14 - 40 weeks

With Brigid, a senior yoga teacher, Mindfulness teacher, mindbody coach, Advanced Women’s Wellness practitioner, Active Birth and Hypnobirth teacher.

These classes are a unique blend of pregnancy yoga, mindfulness, birthing tips & hypnobirth relaxation. They help to prepare your mind as well as your body for the huge physical, emotional and spiritual event of bringing a child into the world. They help you to stay comfortable and strong during your pregnancy as well as introduce breathing, movement and calming techniques that have proven to be invaluable to so many mums during labour.

Running until 6th July (no classes on 1st or 8th).

Drop-in £15.

Postnatal Yoga & Baby Bonding

Wednesdays 11am - 12pm.

These classes offer a fun and relaxed way to get you back into exercise and recover from birth as well as giving you community and support in the early months of parenting.

The focus of the class is on movement & healing for mums, so a yoga class you can bring your baby to, however babies are, of course, kept entertained with songs & yoga play.

We work on core and pelvic floor rehabilitation, shoulder and back release, structural realignment, general toning and strengthening followed by a guided relaxation.

Suitable from 6-weeks post vaginal birth or 8-weeks post C-sec birth.

Stay after for a complimentary tea or coffee and time to socialise.

6-week course from April 17th - May 22nd. Fully booked.

7-week course from 5th June - 17th July. £90

3-week summer course 14th Aug - 28th Aug. £40

7-week course 11th Sept - 23rd Oct. £90

Mindful Mum & Baby Massage

Fridays 11am - 12pm.

Suitable from about 4 weeks old - crawling.

Learn simple Mindfulness techniques to help you stay Zen as you navigate the ups and downs of early parenting and Developmental Baby Massage for bonding and to help your baby regulate all their body systems, manage their stress and discover their bodies with the loving touch.

Stay after for a free tea or coffee and time to socialise.

4-week course. 12th April. Fully booked.

4-week course: 14th June - 5th July. £55

3-week course. 16th Aug - 30th Aug. £40

4-week course. 6th Sept - 27th Sept. £55

Ballet Classes with Prima Performance

Petite Primas Ballet & Tap - Mondays 4.00 -5.00pm 

Our Petit Primas Ballet & Tap is perfect for pre-schoolers aged 3.5 - 4.5 year olds who are keen to get their first pair of ballet and tap shoes! In this 60 minute class we teach the basic ballet and tap steps through imaginative play and build their confidence by encouraging their creativity. This class is the perfect balance between calm ballet and thrilling tap, igniting your little one’s passion for dance and movement.

Tiny Turners Ballet - Wednesdays 10.00-11.00am

Introducing our Tiny Turners Ballet Classes at Bubba & Me. 

This class is suitable for little ones from walking age to 3.5 year olds who love whirling & twirling to their favourite songs. 

Our Parent & Baby Tiny Turners class is all about learning the very basic ballet movements through fun, laughter, props music and exciting ballet adventures. Watch your little one have the time of their life as they have the chance to dance to their heart's content week after week and see how their confidence grows and blossoms every lesson. 

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Saturdays 11am - 12pm.

Adult vinyasa flow yoga with Senior Yoga Teacher, Brigid. These classes are flowing, strong uplifting yoga to build physical and emotional strength.

Not suitable for complete beginners, pregnancy or before 3 months postnatal.

‘Having practiced yoga for 25 years, I have experienced quite a few different teachers. Brigid is by far the best (in my humble opinion) and is brilliant at making you feel comfortable and supported, but challenged and stretched (pardon the pun!) at the same time. She blends a mix of physical practice, anatomical knowledge and spiritual guidance perfectly, and all with warm humour.’ —Joanne F.

Drop-in £14.50. Live online £12.50.

Please note if booking online class you need to book before 8am on the day.

Bubba & Me: The Book Club

Welcome to the Bubba & Me Book Club - an adults only book club taking place on the first Monday of every month. Each month, a carefully selected and captivating book will be sent directly to your doorstep, granting you an entire month to immerse yourself in its pages. Join us for our lively monthly meet-ups, where like-minded parents gather for a delightful evening of camaraderie. Share your thoughts, insights, and laughter as we dissect the twists and turns of the chosen book. Drinks & Snacks provided.

March’s book: Before We Were Innocent by Ella Berman

First Aid

Would you know how to help a child if they were choking, had a seizure, bumped their head or ate something they shouldn’t? It’s not something any of us wants to think about but being able to act quickly and effectively in an emergency whilst waiting for medical assistance can make all the difference.

That’s why Daisy First Aid Tunbridge Wells, Maidstone & Sevenoaks offers fun, fear-free and informative classes that enable expectant and new parents, carers, grandparents, babysitters and childcare professionals to learn essential first aid.

Next classes: 14th November at 10am

Dr. Sparrow Aesthetics

Clinic every Thursday 9am - 3pm

Dr Olivia Sparrow is a GMC-registered doctor qualified in medical aesthetic treatment, including medical-grade skincare and anti-wrinkle injections.

Her clinic sessions run every Thursday from 9am - 3pm where she has a series of different aesthetic treatments avaialable.

Antental and Postnatal Breastfeeding Assessment & Support

Antenatal: Are you preparing to welcome a new little bubba? Ensure the best start for both of you with personalised antenatal breastfeeding guidance from our experienced midwives. This session is an intimate session tailored to your unique needs and questions. Get clarity on myths and receive up-to-date breastfeeding practices and advice. Lear practical techniques like optimal positioning, latch techniques, and ways to identify baby’s feeding cues.

Postnatal: If you are struggling to get breastfeeding comfortable, or even started, a consultation looking at oral function, positioning, attachment and expectations can be essential. Whether you are just starting your breastfeeding journey, have hit a challenge after a few months, or are looking to move on from breastfeeding safely. From Birth onwards.

Carly, The Holistic Midwife, is a practising NHS Midwife since 2000. She knows that the NHS is an excellent service, but it can struggle to meet all of the needs of all pregnant families and new parents. As The Holistic Midwife, she is committed to women and families having knowledge and choice, feeling empowered and enjoying a positive and safe experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. 

Clinic available every Tuesday from 12pm

Sleep Consultancy Package

This is a complete package that consists of a certain number of appointments and requires a diary to kept for a min of 5 days prior to initial appointment. This package is suitable for anyone who is struggling with their little bubba's sleep . We will work with you on a personalised sleep plan, catering to your child's specific needs and temperament. The Holistic Midwife focuses on age appropriate techniques - from newborns to active toddlers the methods evolve with your child’s growth and development.

Carly, The Holistic Midwife, is a practising NHS Midwife since 2000. She knows that the NHS is an excellent service, but it can struggle to meet all of the needs of all pregnant families and new parents. As The Holistic Midwife, she is committed to women and families having knowledge and choice, feeling empowered and enjoying a positive and safe experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. 

Clinic available every Tuesday from 12pm

Reflexology for Supporting the Pregnancy Journey

Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex areas on the feet which correspond to all the organs, systems and parts of the body. When these points are stimulated, tension is eased, nerve and blood supply is increased and the body's own healing potential is activated. 

Maternity Reflexology aims to optimise the physical and emotional health of the pregnant woman and maintain balance during the rapid hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy. The skill of the reflexologist is also to harmonise the whole being in preparation for birth.

Clinic available every Wednesday from 12pm

Liquid Gold: Colostrum Harvesting & Antenatal Breastfeeding Support

This 60 min appointment aims to help you feel more confident about breastfeeding and understand how to prevent and solve common breastfeeding difficulties. You will also learn how to harvest your colostrum (hand expressing technique) and receive both an antenatal colostrum harvesting kit and a breastfeeding guide. Partner's are also welcome to attend.

What is colostrum? During your pregnancy, your breasts will start to produce breast milk (the exact timing of this varies from person to person). The first breast milk your body makes is known as colostrum. Colostrum is the perfect source of nutrition for your baby because it: • contains antibodies which protect your baby from infection and help their immune system to develop • helps your baby’s digestive system to develop, which protects your baby from allergies • encourages your baby to open their bowels and pass ‘meconium’ (your baby’s first black sticky poo) which reduces their risk of jaundice You can collect and freeze your colostrum during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. This has many benefits for you and your baby. 

Learning how to hand express your colostrum during the last few weeks of your pregnancy will enable you to: • become familiar with your breasts and how they work • store colostrum for your baby in case they need encouragement with feeding • feel more confident with hand expressing your breast milk after your baby is born  Collecting your colostrum during pregnancy has benefits for all women and their babies. However, it is especially beneficial for your baby if they are likely to have difficulties with feeding or maintaining their blood sugar levels during the first few days after birth. This may be because your baby: • is large or small for their gestational age • is a twin or triplet • has a cleft lip or palate • has Down’s syndrome or a heart condition

Clinic available every Wednesday from 12pm

Body-Mind-Birthing: Holistic Hypnobirth' Workshop for Couples

2024 workshops:

January 7th, March 3rd, May 12th. 10am - 3.30pm.

£110 per couple.

If you have already undertaken other antenatal training and want to add the Hypnobirthing and other mindbody tools, then this is the workshop for you.

An in-depth insight into the mindbody connection during labour and birth. We draw on insights from neuroscience, hypnobirth, mindfulness, breath physiology, positive psychology, pain psychology and sports psychology to help you approach the birth of your baby feeling fully empowered with lots of practical tools you can use on the day.

Brigid, a senior yoga teacher, Mindfulness teacher, Mindbody coach, Active Birth and Hypnobirth teacher. An in depth insight into the mind/body connection during labour and birth. We draw on insights from neuroscience, hypnobirth, mindfulness, breath physiology, positive psychology, pain psychology and sports psychology to help you approach the birth of your baby feeling fully empowered with lots of practical tools you can use on the day and an understanding of how best to support the birthing mum’s physiology.

We also cover positions for labour and birth, birth partner training including massage, and postnatal emotional considerations.

Included are all the resources you need to practice at home such as hypnobirth audios, mindfulness meditations, pre and post natal yoga videos.

Suitable from about 30 weeks.

Couples Birth Refresher

2024 workshops:

Saturday 13th January. 11.30am - 5pm.

Sunday 7th April. Sunday 2nd June. 10am - 3.30pm.

£110 per couple.

This workshop is for couples preparing to welcome another child into their lives. This refresher includes birth partner prep, massage for birth, insights into the mindbody connection including hypnobirth, techniques for maximising the potential for physiological birth, optimum fetal positioning and anything else you are keen to review. It's like a locker-room pep talk before going back into the field.

Brigid Godwin has over 20 years' experience helping women prepare for birth and recover afterwards. She is the owner of the Unity Yoga Bumps & Babies Teacher Training School, a 500 hour British Wheel of Yoga Instructor, Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher, Birthlight Perinatal and Postnatal teacher, Active Birth Teacher (trained by Janet Balaskas), KG Hypnobirth Diploma Holder, Mindfulness teacher, Advanced Women’s Wellness Practitioner, Mindbody coach, baby massage teacher and a trained doula.

Bump & Baby Brunch Club: Positive Birth & Early Parenting Antental Workshop

Next course: Sunday 19th November and 26th November from 10am - 2pm

This course has been created using 23 years of expertise as a practising Midwife and a passion for empowering and supporting pregnant people and their partners on their journey through pregnancy, birth and into parenthood.

It is suitable for every woman and every birth as no matter your choices, no matter how your pregnancy and birth unfolds, it can be a positive experience offering lifelong benefits.

We will empower you with evidence-based information, practical tools and tips, and expert advice, so that you can navigate your journey in a confident and informed way, enabling you to make the right decisions for you and your baby and create positive birth and early parenting experiences. This is split into two sessions across both Sundays.

Session One includes:

 Birth physiology, first stage of labour, coping strategies, birth partner role

Transition, second stage of labour, third stage of labour, fourth stage of labour,

birth plan, complications and emergencies, instrumental birth

Induction of labour, Caesarean section

Session Two:

 Infant feeding

Life with your newborn baby - the fourth trimester, practical parenting skills and postnatal recovery

✔ For any type of birth

✔ Understand your body

✔ Feel confident about birth

✔ Make choices that are right for you

✔ Prepare for the postpartum period

✔ Look after your post-birth body

✔ Nurture your mental health

✔ Navigate relationship challenges

✔ Learn about newborn behaviour, sleep and feeding

✔ Learn practical parenting skills – nappy changing, winding, bathing

Positive Induction of Labour Workshop

Next workshop: Tuesday 14th November from 7pm - 9pm

Induction of labour is an increasingly common intervention. A key finding of The National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA) Clinical report 2022 was that 34% of women and birthing people had their labour induced. More and more pregnant people find themselves having to decide whether to let their body and baby go into labour spontaneously or agree to medical intervention.

This workshop is designed to explore the pros and cons of waiting and of being induced after due date, when baby is thought to be bigger than average, when the woman is older, if she has had IVF or when her waters have broken earlier than usual. I explain the process of induction of labour and share information from research studies to help families become more informed and make the decision that is right for them.

And if the decision is to accept an induction of labour, this workshop will guide you on how to make your induction a positive birth experience.

Moving for an Easier Birth

Next workshop: Tuesday 21st November from 7pm - 9pm

A key finding of The National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA) Clinical report 2022 was that 29% of women and birthing people having their first baby gave birth via caesarean section - 6% were planned (elective) and 23% were unplanned (emergency).

Caesarean birth is a hugely complex and emotive topic. This workshop aims to navigate the research and enable pregnant people and their families to make positive decisions and feel supported if a caesarean is actively chosen or accepted when medically advised.

Positive Caesarean Section Workshop

Next workshop: Tuesday 21st November from 7pm - 9pm

A key finding of The National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA) Clinical report 2022 was that 29% of women and birthing people having their first baby gave birth via caesarean section - 6% were planned (elective) and 23% were unplanned (emergency).

Caesarean birth is a hugely complex and emotive topic. This workshop aims to navigate the research and enable pregnant people and their families to make positive decisions and feel supported if a caesarean is actively chosen or accepted when medically advised.

Caesarean birth IS birth and every birth should be meaningful in a positive way! There are still things you need to consider and steps you can take to prepare for a positive caesarean birth experience.

During this workshop we will look at exactly what you can expect before, during and after the caesarean birth, how to prepare and how to support recovery afterwards:

  • What actually happens during a c-section? What happens in theatre? Who does what?

  • Anaesthetic including spinal and general anaesthetic

  • The importance of hormones and relaxation during a c-section

  • Relaxation breathing to remain calm

  • The Golden Hour: the first hour after birth

  • Post-surgery care

  • Feeding choices and challenges

  • Going home - discover ways you can support your post-birth recovery, including when &; how to massage your caesarean scar, and how focused breathing can benefit your physical recovery

  • Writing your birth preferences for a positive c-section